TRS responds to all public record requests in compliance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, 5 ILCS 140.
Note to TRS Members
Members do not need to submit a FOIA request to receive benefit information. Please contact the Member Services Department,, to allow us to efficiently respond to your needs.
Submit a Public Record Request
You may request TRS records through the TRS Public Records Center below. If any records will be used for a commercial purpose, the Illinois FOIA law requires that you disclose that fact. 5 ILCS 140/3.1(c). "Commercial purpose" means the use of any part of a public record or records, or information derived from public records, in any form for sale, resale, or solicitation or advertisement for sales or services.” 5 ILCS 140/2(c-10). Please submit your Commercial or Non-Commercial Request in the TRS Record Center.
This portal provides convenient 24-hour access to request and receive public records from TRS. You will receive an email letting you know when the response to your record request is ready in the Public Records Center.
TRS responds within five business days to non-commercial requests and within 21 working (business) days to commercial purpose requests. A request is received on the next business day if submitted during non-business hours. TRS business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST Monday through Friday. TRS observes all state holidays.
There is no charge for electronic records. For paper copies, the first 50 pages are free and pages in excess of 50 are 15 cents per page. TRS reserves the right to charge for shipping. Charges may be reduced or waived for requests in the public interest. For commercial purpose requests, TRS reserves the right to charge for staff time gathering responsive records as allowed by law. For in-person record inspection, please contact the FOIA Officer to make arrangements.
FOIA Officer
Cynthia Fain
Senior Legal Counsel
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois
2815 West Washington
PO Box 19253
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9253
Brief Description of TRS
The following information is provided in compliance with the Illinois FOIA law 5 ILCS 140/4.
TRS is the retirement system for educators employed in public schools outside the city of Chicago in positions requiring licensure under the Illinois School Code. TRS administers retirement annuities, disability and survivor benefits as provided in Illinois Pension Code 40 ILCS 5/16 for over 456,000 members, annuitants and beneficiaries. TRS administers a governmental tax-qualified defined benefit plan under Internal Revenue Code Sections 414(d) and 401(a). TRS also administers an optional eligible deferred compensation plan under Illinois Revenue Code Section 457(b).
Information Publicly and Immediately Available from TRS
Detailed information about TRS is available on the TRS website. The TRS website provides information that includes staff and board contact information, purpose, membership, key statutory provisions, benefits, funding, administrative structure and budget, annual comprehensive financial reports, member brochures and publications on a variety of topics of interest to TRS members, employer services, legislative matters, investments, board meeting notices, agendas and minutes, administrative review decisions, administrative rules, an online newsroom and vendor information. For questions not answered on our website, please contact the TRS Communications Department, rather than submitting a FOIA request.
Operating Budget
The total TRS operating budget for fiscal year 2025 is $59.3 million which represents 0.083 percent of the $71.2 billion fair value of TRS investments as of June 30, 2024.
TRS has three office locations. The main office is in Springfield, Illinois. A regional counseling office is in Lisle, Illinois. A regional investment office is in Chicago. The mailing address for all locations is P.O. Box 19253, Springfield, IL 62794-9253.
At June 30, 2024, TRS had 242 full-time employees, two interns and five return to work retirees. Following is a block diagram showing functional subdivisions of TRS administration.
Governing Board
The System’s 15-member Board of Trustees includes the state superintendent of education, seven trustees appointed by the governor, five trustees elected by contributing members and two trustees elected by annuitants. The board is responsible for the general administration of the System. An executive director appointed by the board is responsible for daily operations at TRS.